School apostolates

The school apostolate at St. Francis Xavier Parish Nyakahoja has been one of the vital elements of our pastoral activities. The Parish Priests Fr. Edward Rwimo,SJ has always encouraged teaching of Catechism in schools that are under our parish. Teaching the word of God in schools beginning from primary schools it enables the children to learn their Catholic faith at a tender age and in so doing the children grow up while they love their faith. In that way they all become good citizens who are morally sound and strong spiritually and so the need for wholistic education and formation in schools is very crucial. The Parish priest is committed to ensure that students receive spiritual nourishment in all the schools so as to prepare leaders who are God fearing persons who are concerned about the well being of others and care for the common good. Through this spiritual formation we will be able to form men and women who will be there with and for others and ultimately for the greater glory of God.

Joyful pupils at Kileleni Primary School in Mwanza City


It is always joyful to find students in some of the secondary schools around Nyakahoja Parish. These students are always to receive us as we go around to different schools teaching Catechism. Each school has leaders who normally prepare a table and put a crucifix ready for the catechism classes. Their cooperation has been so inspiring in a sense that each week I look forward to go and teach these students. The students’ leadership for the Catholics students in all the schools is amazing. I really love teaching Catechism because it really helps the students to strengthen their faith and above all these catechism classes have played a vital role in imparting morals among our Catholic students in which they get from these catechetical classes. The performance for the religion examinations this year most of the schools under St. Francis Xavier Parish-Nyakahoja performed extremely well and our parish has become a role model in teaching Catechism in the entire archdiocese of Mwanza.

Students at Mbugani Secondary school attending the Catechism class.

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